Weds 12 March, 7.30pm GMT
If you've ever been inspired to set up your own learning community outside of the conventional school system, this webinar series gives you a chance to meet experts who have been there and done it! Come and meet Devin Carberry, who co-founded Learnlife in 2017 with the mission to positively transform education worldwide.
What is Learnlife?
Learnlife promotes lifelong learning and offers full-time, part-time, afternoon and summer programmes in the format of your choice: on-site at one of their Learnhubs, online from anywhere in the world, or a blend of both.
They empower skills such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving to thrive in a fast-changing world.
In Learnlife's primary programme (ages 6-12), children develop roots for lifelong learning in a unique nature-based environment, and in the secondary years (ages 11-18), the young people embark on personal growth through passion- and studio-based projects.
Devin Carberry is the Director of Learning and Innovation and a founding member of Learnlife.
Since 2001, he has been an innovative learning advocate. Devin has worked as a classroom teacher and teacher trainer, served on public policy task forces, run after school programs, led young men’s support circles, fostered the growth of two new public schools, and written for education publications. Along the way, he’s worked in schools with a variety of progressive pedagogies — from multiple intelligences to expeditionary learning.
His teaching has been featured in Science magazine and National Public Radio, and he has served on the Arizona statewide task force on education. Devin has written for Rethinking Schools Magazine, and authored a chapter for the book Unleashing the Power of Learner Agency.
This event takes place online via Zoom at 7.30-9.30pm GMT on Wednesday 12th March. You will have the chance to hear a short presentation from Devin, and then you are invited to ask any questions you might have.
If you have questions but can't make the date, you are still welcome to register for the event. Simply send your questions through to us at [email protected] and they will get asked in the session on your behalf. The recording will be sent to all registered participants as soon as possible after the live event.
This webinar is £20 for non-members, and FREE for members.
Join Us!
Would you like to join the Education Start-Ups membership community? Our membership offers:
Monthly expert webinars (like this one);
Monthly group coaching for peer support and collaborative problem solving;
Online platform for sharing resources/ideas and supporting each other between sessions.
Some extra bonuses too!
You can find out more at
Note to Members
If you are a member, you do not need to register for this event. You will automatically receive the Zoom link in your online community portal.
This webinar series is brought to you by Jo Symes at Progressive Education and Alex O’Neill from Limitless. We are education activists who have a shared passion for raising awareness of alternatives to mainstream school.
For the past couple of years Alex and Jo have been creating events and resources for start-ups, in response to the growing number of children and young people leaving mainstream education, and the urgency that parents/carers/educators feel to build new learning environments where young people can thrive.
Alex is the driving force behind Limitless, an organisation dedicated to igniting social change with a special emphasis on revolutionising the education sector.
Through the Limitless podcast, she shares expert insights and neuroscience tips to empower changemakers to tackle the world's most pressing issues.
Alex is committed to uniting individuals who are driven to advance education and supporting them in overcoming obstacles that stand in their way.
Jo is the founder of the social enterprise, Progressive Education. Her website is an inspiration hub for exploring alternatives to conventional schooling and campaigns to bring about change. She is building a global directory of jobs, events and progressive schools and learning communities.
It began with the launch of the Progressive Education Group on Facebook in 2019, which is an international community of over 10k parents/carers, educators, academics, researchers, psychologists, education innovators, changemakers and young people.